Sorana – image revolutionary technology Sculptor
Sorana Darclee known singer was chosen to be ambassador Sculptor imaging technology, first equipment for aesthetic medicine that combines five different therapies with complex results for both body and face.
Thus, a native of Argentina, Sculptor is the only technology that has embedded devices that provide: CrioRadiofrecvenţă, massage transdermal DermoHealth, Microdermabrasion, Body Therapy Dermoled or Ultracavitaţia Health.
Explained, Sculptor equipment is the easiest solution for most common problems of women: cellulite, fat, wrinkles, stretch marks, scars, fine lines, etc.
Without signs and without anesthesia, Sculptor provides therapies alone, non invasive, rapid and simple to perform, without side effects. habitual activities immediately after resuming therapies, and made in any season.
Sorana be used for reshaping services provided by sculptor silhouette after managed to lose over 10 kilograms (in winter had to weigh 68 kilograms) and reshaping the complexion or because the summer wants to be in top form.